The Stained Glass Windows
.St. Louis St. Neri Church
5080 Durant Ave
The 12 stained glass windows (5’ x 12’) were originally designed by Emil Frei and Associates for St. Philip Neri Church in North St. Louis in the 1920’s and restored and installed by the same company for St. Gianna Church in 2012. 11 windows, illustrate the Apostle Creed and the twelfth window depicts the life of St. Philip Neri.
1. “I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth”
Top: God the Creator is seated upon His rainbow throne with the earth beneath His feet and the sun and moon on either side.
Middle The angels cast Satan and the other fallen angels into hell.
Bottom: Adam and Eve are cast out of the Garden of Eden after the Original Sin by the angel who guards the entrance with a flaming sword.
2. “And in Jesus Christ, is only son, Our Lord”
Top: Jesus is seated upon His rainbow throne with the symbols of the four Gospel writers surrounding Him and the Alpha and Omega at His feet.
Middle: As the Transfiguration Jesus appears in the light of glory with Elijah and Moses.
Bottom: Jesus is condemned by the High Priest for declaring Himself to be the Son of God.
3.”Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary”
Top: The Annunciation. Middle: The Visitation Bottom: The Nativity
4.”Suffered under Pontius Pilate”
Top: The agony in the Garden.
Middle: The Scourging at the Pillar.
Bottom: Condemnation by Pilate who washed his hands of Jesus’ Blood.
5.”Was crucified died and was buried”
Top: Jesus carries his cross. Middle: The Crucifixion.
Bottom: The burial in the tomb of Nicodemus
6.”He descended into hell, the third day He rose again from the dead”
Top: Jesus preaches the good news to the souls in Limbo.
Middle: The Resurrection.
Bottom: Jesus appears to the Apostles and St. Thomas reaches to touch His wounds.
7. “He ascended into heaven, siteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty, from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead”.
Top: The Ascension into heaven.
Middle: The Blessed Trinity- Jesus in glory at His Father’s right hand.
Bottom: Jesus as judge with the angels blowing the trumpets on the Last Day.
8.”I believe in the Holy Ghost”
Top: Pentecost, with the Blessed Virgin Mary in the center under the light of the Holy Spirit. (the dove is His symbol)
Middle: The pope seated upon His throne whose teachings are guaranteed and guided by the Holy Spirit.
Bottom: Jesus as judge with the angels blowing the trumpets on the Last Day.
9. “The Holy Catholic Church
Top: Jesus handing St. Peter the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Middle: The newly resurrected Jesus teaching the two disciples on the road to “Emmaus.
Bottom: St. Paul preaching the Gospel to the Gentles.
10. “The Communion of Saints”
Top: the Church Militant doing works of charity and directing the world to the Cross of Christ through preaching the Gospel.
Middle: The Church Suffering, which shows the souls in Purgatory being freed from sin by the power of the Holy Mass.
Bottom: The Church triumphant depicts God the Father surrounded by His saints, represented by his Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph.
11.”The forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen”
Top: The penitent woman washing the feet of Jesus while He speaks to the Pharisees.
Middle: The angels blowing the trumpets and the dead rising.
Bottom: St. John the Apostle (the eagle is his symbol) receiving visions of the Heavenly Jerusalem and the Lamb of God from the Angel.
12.”St. Philip Neri, pray for us”
Top: St. Philip teaching the young men of the first Oratory.
Middle: St. Philip Neri with a vision of the Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus.
Bottom: St. Philip Neri levitating (clouds under his feet) as he offers the Holy Mass.