From Left to Right facing the Sanctuary
The four oil paintings that hang in the sanctuary represent four themes from the life of St. Gianna pro-life, marriage and family, her devotion to the Church and healing. The measure 5’ x 10’ and were painted y local artist Linda S. Wilmes and designed by Linda S. Wilmes and Father Elliott
The Gift of Life
Holy Spirit in the form of a dove. Jesus and the little children. St. Gabriel at the Annunciation. Our Blessed Mother wrapping mantle around St. Gianna and the Holy Innocent of abortion. An expectant mother with Guardian Angel. St. Gerard Majella, Patron Saint of Expectant Mothers, St. Anne with young Mary. St. Monica comforting St. Augustine (angel holds his mitre)
Holy Matrimony and Family
Basilica of San Martino Magenta Italy (Church where St. Gianna was baptized and married). St. Gianna and Pietro receiving the Sacrament of Marriage. Blessed Mother with Infant Jesus (the Lamb of God). St. Gianna with children. Blessed John Paul blessing a boy (he canonized St. Gianna in 2004). St. Cecilia, St Nicholas, Patron of brides, grooms and children. St. Francis of Assisi (St. Gianna was born on his feast day and was given his name at baptism – Francesca)
Love of Holy Mother Church
St. Peter’s Basilica (representing the Kingdom of God on earth). Heavenly Kingdom of the Father holding the alpha and the omega symbols. The Monstrance with Blessed Sacrament. St. Gianna praying the Holy Rosary. St. Michael the Archangel casting out Satan. St. Padre Pio offering the Holy Mass. The baptismal shell pouring out water. The Immaculate Conception
The Healing Power of Love
Divine Mercy rays of light. St. Dymphna, patron saint of mental illness. Blessed Mother Theresa comforting an infant. Jesus healing the blind man. Blessed Mother with infant Jesus. St. Gianna, as healing doctor, Young Angel. St. Joseph Moscati (test tube signifies his pioneer work using insulin to treat diabetes). St. Peregrine, patron saint of cancer patients. St. Veronica holding her veil with the image of Jesus. St. Raphael healing Tobit (with fish gall).